CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast
This weather
forecast is intended for CoCoView Resort guests and applies only to
the south side of Roatan
CoCoView is at 16.4°N
Latitude x 86.4°W Longitude
in the
NW Caribbean Sea
in the
NW Caribbean Sea
CoCoView Resort,
, 800-510-8164
Skies will be mostly sunny. Today there is a very slight chance of scattered rain showers and isolated thunderstorms. Winds will be mostly easterly in direction at 15 mph or less. Seas will be moderate to calm at 1 ft. to 3ft.or less. The air temperatures will range from the high 70sºF to the mid to high 80s ºF or 26°C to 27ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 78°F to 80°F or 25ºC to 26ºC.
The Tropical Weather Outlook
For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:
1. There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
2. Gulf of Mexico - Fresh to strong southerly return flow will prevail across most of the basin through Mon. A weak cold front will move across the northern Gulf Mon through Wed.
3. Caribbean Sea - Strong high pressure north of the area shifting eastward into the central Atlantic through Sun will support a small area of nocturnal gales N of Colombia...and a broad area of fresh to strong trades over the central and E Caribbean...tonight through Mon night.
3a. Middle level NE wind flow moves from Hispaniola, toward Central America, from Honduras to Panama. Upper level NW wind flow is moving from Cuba to Hispaniola, and beyond the SE corner of the Caribbean Sea. Comparatively drier air in subsidence is apparent in water vapor imagery across the entire area. Scattered to broken low level clouds and possible rainshowers are in the area that is from 15N to 20N between 70W and 80W, around Hispaniola and the Windward Passage, and from 17N southward from 80W westward,
2. Gulf of Mexico - Fresh to strong southerly return flow will prevail across most of the basin through Mon. A weak cold front will move across the northern Gulf Mon through Wed.
3. Caribbean Sea - Strong high pressure north of the area shifting eastward into the central Atlantic through Sun will support a small area of nocturnal gales N of Colombia...and a broad area of fresh to strong trades over the central and E Caribbean...tonight through Mon night.
3a. Middle level NE wind flow moves from Hispaniola, toward Central America, from Honduras to Panama. Upper level NW wind flow is moving from Cuba to Hispaniola, and beyond the SE corner of the Caribbean Sea. Comparatively drier air in subsidence is apparent in water vapor imagery across the entire area. Scattered to broken low level clouds and possible rainshowers are in the area that is from 15N to 20N between 70W and 80W, around Hispaniola and the Windward Passage, and from 17N southward from 80W westward,
Fig 4
- Recent changes in the Saharan Air Layer
The Tides: Moon and
low tide 3:26 am LT Sunrise – 6:14 am LT>114° East
high tide 10:18 am LT Sunset – 5:27 pm LT < 246° NW
low tide 4:33 pm LT Moon Rise – 7:58 pm LT<107° East
high tide 9:42 pm LT Moon Set – 7:44 am LT>254º West
high tide 10:18 am LT Sunset – 5:27 pm LT < 246° NW
low tide 4:33 pm LT Moon Rise – 7:58 pm LT<107° East
high tide 9:42 pm LT Moon Set – 7:44 am LT>254º West
Fig 5 - Moon