Sunday, June 4, 2017

Mostly Cloudy

The CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast

Sunday,  June 04, 2017 Skies will be  mostly cloudy. Wind will be mostly easterly at 15 mph to 40 mph. Seas will be 1 to 4 ft or higher.  Divers should exercise caution exiting and entering the boats, especially on the afternoon dives. The air temperatures will range from the low 70sºF to the mid 80s ºF or 22°C to 24ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 79°F to 81°F or 26ºC to 27ºC.

The Tropical Weather Outlook
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Atlantic from 07N to 31N W of 35W including Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
Synopsis valid 0000 UTC Sun Jun 04.
Atlantic from 12N to 17N between 55W and 58W winds 20 kt or less. Seas to 8 ft in E swell.
Gulf of Mexico low pressure near 20.5N93W 1007 mb with trough to 24N95W. From 23N to 25N between 92W and 93W winds 20 kt or less. Seas to 8 ft in SE swell.
Caribbean S of 17.5N W of 85W...including Gulf of Honduras...E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas less than 8 ft.Remainder of area winds 20 kt or less. Seas less than 8 ft.

The Tides: Moon and Sun
high tide  5:18 am LT                      Sunrise – 5:14 am LT>66° East
low tide 12:08 Pm LT                      Sunset – 6:16 pm LT < 294° NW
high tide  6:47 pm LT                     Moon Rise –2:29 pm LT<95° East
low tide  12:37 am LT                    Moon Set – 1:58 am LT>267° NW

Fig 4 - Recent changes in the Saharan Air Layer

                 Moon                                                                    3 day forecast
Daylight Hours: 13 hours, 1 minute, (+18s)

For more details and visual weather go to:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


The CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast
Wednesday, ­May 24, 2017
Skies will be mostly cloudy. Wind will be mostly easterly at 5 mph to 25mph. Seas will be 1 to 4 ft or less. The air temperatures will range from the low 70s ºF to the mid 80s ºF or 22°C to 24ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 79°F to 81°F or 26ºC to 27º C.
Fig 1 – Today's Wind Forecast

Fig 1a – Today's IR Satellite

The Tropical Weather Outlook
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Offshore waters forecast for the SW and tropical N Atlantic and Caribbean Sea
Synopsis...fresh to strong winds will continue along the coast of Colombia and the Gulf of Venezuela...expanding N Wed through Fri night as high pressure builds over the central Atlantic.
The strong winds will become focused back over the S central Caribbean and also the Gulf of Honduras this weekend as the high shifts West.
Gulf of Honduras overnight...E to SE winds 15 to 20 kt. Seas 4 to 6 ft.

The Tides: Moon and Sun
low tide 1:21 am LT Sunrise – 5:15 am LT>68° East
high tide 6:50 am LT Sunset – 6:12 pm LT < 292° NorthWest
low tide 1:35 pm LT Moon Rise –03:26 am LT<83° East
high tide 8:15 pm LT Moon Set – 04:10 pm LT>279° West

Daylight Hours: 12 hours, 56 minutes, (+30s)

For more details and visual weather go to: For  more details and visual weather graphics go to:

Monday, May 22, 2017

Mostly Cloudy

The CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast
This weather forecast is intended for CoCoView Resort guests and applies only to the south side of Roatan
CoCoView is at 16.4°N Latitude x 86.4°W Longitude
in the
   NW Caribbean Sea

             CoCoView Resort, , 800-510-8164

Monday,  May 22, 2017
Skies will be  mostly cloudy. Wind will be mostly easterly at 15 mph to 35mph. Seas will be 1 to 4 ft or higher.  There is a very slight chance of scattered rain showers and isolated thunderstorms during the early morning hours.The air temperatures will range from the low 70sºF to the mid 80s ºF or 22°C to 24ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 79°F to 81°F or 26ºC to 27ºC. Divers should exercise caution exiting and entering the boats, especially on the afternoon dives.

The Tropical Weather Outlook
For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Atlantic from 07N to 31N W of 35W including Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico synopsis valid 0000 UTC Mon May 22.
Atlantic within area bounded by 09N35W to 08N38W to 08N56W to 10N56W to 15N35W to 09N35W winds 20 kt or less. Seas 8 ft.
Atlantic 18 hour forecast cold front from 31N44W to 26N50W. N of 26N E of front SW winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas 8 ft.
Gulf of Mexico trough along W coast of Yucatan. S of 22N between 88W and 91W E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas less than 8 ft.
Caribbean within S of 17N W of 85W...including Gulf of Honduras... E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas less than 8 ft.
Remainder of area winds 20 kt or less. Seas less than 8 ft.

Fig 4 - Recent changes in the Saharan Air Layer
The Tides: Moon and Sun
high tide 5:27 am LT                     Sunrise – 5:15 am LT>68° East
low tide  12:03 pm LT                   Sunset – 6:11 pm LT < 292° West
high tide  6:36 pm LT                   Moon Rise –02:38 am LT<88° East
low tide  12:33 am LT                  Moon Set – 03:10 pm LT>275° West
Fig 5 - Moon

Saturday, May 20, 2017


The CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast
This weather forecast is intended for CoCoView Resort guests and applies only to the south side of Roatan
CoCoView is at 16.4°N Latitude x 86.4°W Longitude
in the
   NW Caribbean Sea

             CoCoView Resort, , 800-510-8164

Sunday,  May 21, 2017
Skies will be  mostly cloudy. Wind will be mostly easterly at 15 mph to 35mph. Seas will be 1 to 4 ft or higher.  The air temperatures will range from the low 70sºF to the mid 80s ºF or 22°C to 24ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 79°F to 81°F or 26ºC to 27ºC. Divers should exercise caution exiting and entering the boats, especially on the afternoon dives.


The Tropical Weather Outlook
For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Atlantic from 07N to 31N W of 35W including Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico synopsis valid 0000 UTC Sun May 21.
Atlantic from 10N to 16N E of 42W winds 20 kt or less. Seas 8 ft in NE swell.
Caribbean S of 17.5N between 85W and 88W...including the Gulf of Honduras...E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas to 8 ft.
Gulf of Mexico from 21N to 22.5N between 88W and 91W NE to E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas less than 8 ft.
Remainder of area winds 20 kt or less. Seas less than 8 ft.

Fig 4 - Recent changes in the Saharan Air Layer
The Tides: Moon and Sun
high tide 4:53 am LT                     Sunrise – 5:16 am LT>69° East
low tide  11:22 am LT                   Sunset – 6:11 pm LT < 291° West
high tide  5:48 pm LT                   Moon Rise –01:53 am LT<93° East
low tide  11:46 pm LT                  Moon Set – 02:13 pm LT>269° West

Fig 5 - Moon

Again Mostly Sunny

The CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast
This weather forecast is intended for CoCoView Resort guests and applies only to the south side of Roatan
CoCoView is at 16.4°N Latitude x 86.4°W Longitude
in the
   NW Caribbean Sea

             CoCoView Resort, , 800-510-8164

Saturday,  May 20, 2017
Skies will be  mostly sunny. Wind will be mostly easterly at 10 mph to 40mph. Seas will be 1 to 4 ft or higher.  The air temperatures will range from the low 70sºF to the mid 80s ºF or 22°C to 24ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 79°F to 81°F or 26ºC to 27ºC.

The Tropical Weather Outlook
For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Atlantic from 07N to 31N W of 35W including Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico synopsis valid 0000 UTC Sat May 20.
Caribbean 18 hour forecast S of 17N between 85W and 88W E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas to 8 ft.
Gulf of Mexico S of 24.5N between 80W and 82W...including the Straits of Florida...E to SE winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas less than 8 ft.
Gulf of Mexico S of 22N between 89W and 91W NE to E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas less than 8 ft.
Remainder of area winds 20 kt or less. Seas less than 8 ft.

Fig 4 - Recent changes in the Saharan Air Layer
The Tides: Moon and Sun
high tide 4:21 am LT                     Sunrise – 5:16 am LT>69° East
low tide  10:42 am LT                   Sunset – 6:11 pm LT < 291° West
high tide  5:02 pm LT                   Moon Rise –01:09 am LT<108° East
low tide  11:00 pm LT                  Moon Set – 01:18 pm LT>265° West
Fig 5 - Moon

Friday, May 19, 2017

Mostly Sunny

The CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast
This weather forecast is intended for CoCoView Resort guests and applies only to the south side of Roatan
CoCoView is at 16.4°N Latitude x 86.4°W Longitude
in the
   NW Caribbean Sea

             CoCoView Resort, , 800-510-8164

Friday,  May 19, 2017
Skies will be  mostly sunny. Wind will be mostly easterly at 5 mph to  30mph. Seas will be 1 to 4 ft or less.  The air temperatures will range from the low 70sºF to the mid 80s ºF or 22°C to 24ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 79°F to 81°F or 26ºC to 27ºC.

The Tropical Weather Outlook
For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Atlantic from 07N to 31N W of 35W including Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
Atlantic from 08N to 13N between 51W and 59W winds 20 kt or less. Seas 8 ft in NE swell.
Gulf of Mexico S of 22N between 88W and 91W NE to E winds 20 to 25 kt. S
Caribbean N of 19N between 77W and 79W SE winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas to 8 ft. From 15N to 18N between 71W and 78W E to SE winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas to 9 ft in E swell.
Remainder of area winds 20 kt or less. Seas less than 8 ft.

Fig 4 - Recent changes in the Saharan Air Layer
The Tides: Moon and Sun
high tide 3:50 am LT                     Sunrise – 5:16 am LT>69° East
low tide  10:03 am LT                   Sunset – 6:10 pm LT < 291° West
high tide  4:15 pm LT                   Moon Rise –00:25 am LT<102° East
low tide  10:11 pm LT                  Moon Set – 12:44 pm LT>260° West
Fig 5 - Moon

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mostly Sunny

The CoCoView Resort Weather Forecast
This weather forecast is intended for CoCoView Resort guests and applies only to the south side of Roatan
CoCoView is at 16.4°N Latitude x 86.4°W Longitude
in the
   NW Caribbean Sea

             CoCoView Resort, , 800-510-8164

Thursday,  May 18, 2017
Skies will be  mostly sunny. Wind will be mostly easterly at 5 mph to 25 mph. Seas will be 1 to 4 ft or less.  The air temperatures will range from the low 70sºF to the mid 80s ºF or 22°C to 24ºC. Ocean water temperatures are 79°F to 81°F or 26ºC to 27ºC.

The Tropical Weather Outlook
For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic at this time.
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th.
Atlantic from 07N to 31N W of 35W including Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico synopsis valid 0000 UTC Thu May 18.
TLC within area bounded by 12N37W to 07N44W to 07N54W to 19N47W to 23N35W to 12N37W winds 20 kt or less. Seas 8 ft in n swell.
Gulf of Mexico S of 25N E of 83W E winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas to 9 ft Straits of Florida.
Caribbean N of 16N between 72W and 75W E to SE winds 20 to 25 kt. Seas to 9 ft. Elsewhere within area bounded by 18N72W to 16N72W to 16N76W to 19N75W to 18N72W winds 20 kt or less. Seas 8 ft in e swell.
Remainder of area winds 20 kt or less. Seas less than 8 ft.

Fig 4 - Recent changes in the Saharan Air Layer
The Tides: Moon and Sun
high tide 3:17 am LT                     Sunrise – 5:16 am LT>69° East
low tide  9:23 am LT                     Sunset – 6:10 pm LT < 291° West
high tide  3:23 pm LT                    Moon Rise –12:36 am LT<102° East
low tide  9:19 pm LT                     Moon Set – 11:32 pm LT>256° West
Fig 5 - Moon